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Shop Small. Support Local. Visit Us.

Shop for the perfect gift with art, striking jewellery, luxury bathing and so much more. Norwich Creative Market is a bi-monthly event in St Andrews Hall. Attracting around 60 exhibitors to each event we are sure to have a mix of fresh faces and returning favourites.Everything is handmade and we endeavour to share a wide range of designers, including those that don't have an internet sales presence. The event is free entry with disabled access. Sadly there is no parking.


Our markets are all about supporting small creative businesses. All of the items at our Handmade and Creative Markets are handmade or they have been carefully designed and produced in small batches by the person running the stall. Occasionally we support new local enterprise ventures who have carefully curated collections from other small businesses. There are usually only one or two of these businesses per event. You certainly won't see any mass produced or wholesale items and often our vendors will be working at their stalls or running demonstrations so you can see the processes involved behind the scenes.


The Handmade and Creative Market is also a very small business. I organise and run these events on my own from quality venues. I charge the minimum I can to vendors in order to cover costs and market the event to all of you. Any likes, shares or free publicity you can offer our collection of vendors is very much appreciated. Thank you.


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