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Guild Membership

There are 4 levels of guild membership, each with a range of benefits. Free membership is by invitation only and free members can choose to upgrade to paid membership if they wish to do so.

Applications are currently closed. They will reopen soon for a fresh set of summer applicants.


All memberships are subject to the following criteria:


You must:

  • Be a skilled artist or crafts person, producing work of a consistently high quality.

  • Have a clear product range. Many of us have a range of skills but your work should be easily recognisable and distinguishable from that of others.

  • Have or be working towards a strong brand identity.

  • Have previously exhibited at a Norwich Creative Market or Handmade and Creative Market before submitting your application. 

  • Be a reliable exhibitor with no cancellations, no shows or late payments on file.

  • Submit quality photos of 5 core products. Well lit, in focus and 1:1 ratio (square) , ideally at 300 DPI. Support or workshops will be available to help you with this. Feel free to add branding and please, add a watermark on anything which could be duplicated. **Please use email to**

  • Be active on social media. At minimum a Facebook business account where you can share events and help to grow our audience.

  • Engage with promotion of your own work and that of the guild. This could be actively distributing and displaying printed marketing, 'loving' social media posts or posting about yourself in the Facebook events and page discussion.

  • Price for profit. This Guild aims to appeal to an affluent target market and we should all be confident in pricing at what we are worth, rather than trying to compete with mass produced chain stores. I would rather sell one exquisite item at £150 than have to make 10 of the same item for the same £150. This is not the place for 'covering cost of materials'.


Ideally, but not essentially you should:

  • Have a small 'pocket money' range of products such as postcards, key chains or sample sizes which allow our less affluent customer base to shop with you. While we want to prioritise our high end ranges it is unwise to exclude people who may become long term brand supporters.

  • Use Instagram to promote your work.

  • Have a website where you can publicise your work, events and workshops.


Silver Membership - £20 per year
  • Includes all of the free membership benefits.

  • Have your own page on the website with a mini gallery and up to 3 web links.

  • 4 social media spotlights per year.

  • A5 sign or certificate provided to confirm your membership.

Gold Membership - £40 per year
  • Includes all of the free and Silver membership benefits.

  • Get a linked image on the website home page.

  • Receive a 10% discount on Creative and Wellbeing directory advertising.

  • Have a credited image included on the annual marketing materials.

  • Attend a face-to-face workshop to support you with photo editing or making the most from social media.

  • Get a business feature in one of the newsletters. Our mailing list is growing every day and from 2020 is going to be a regular monthly delivery to people's inboxes.

Platinum Membership - £60 per year
  • Includes all of the free, silver and gold membership benefits.

  • Get a guest blog spot. I am going to really focus on growing the blog during 2020. Have a featured piece all about your business, either in profile or interview form and have it featured on social media and in the newsletter.

  • Submit a video advert to be featured on the home page for one month and the guild page for a year. Get associated social media shares and newsletter mentions. Please note you have to submit a pre-made video.


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