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Coronavirus update 17th March 2020: Sadly the events for April 4th, April 11th, May 2nd and June 6th have had to be postponed due to venue closures. This is not a cancellation, but something we must try to view as an extended opportunity to create beautiful things and come back stronger than ever. All events from July are unaffected. I will continue to take applications so that we can all plan for better times to come. However I will not be sending out any invoices as I know we are all under extreme financial pressure. Please join the mailing list (that irritating little pop up that popped up while you were reading this) so you can stay up to date. I don't send daily or even weekly emails but what I do send will have blog post alerts and information about how we, the creative community, are supporting each other through these uncertain times.

Next market - April 4th - Holt Community Centre - 2 exhibitor spaces remaining

Take a workshop at the Creative Market - Click here for more information

Current open Applications  

Holt April 4th - Apply here

Blakeney Village Hall - April 11th - Apply here

Holt May 2nd - Apply here

The Halls, Norwich - August 22nd and/or 23rd - Apply here

The Halls, Norwich - November 29th - Apply Here


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Medusa's Art House

Medusa's Art House

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