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Payment Policy 2020


As a large market I get many, many applications. With this I also, sadly, get many applications from people who apply and then do not have the courtesy to respond to confirmations or pay invoices on time. Unfortunately this means I have had to implement a payment policy.


The payment policy as of December 1st 2019 is as follows:


1. Payment is required in full on receipt of confirmation.  

2. If you have not replied to your confirmation email within 1 week your booking will be cancelled. 

3. Vendors who do not reply to emails or do not pay without notification will not be considered for future markets or guild membership.

4. Cancellations from the applicant will not be refunded. 

5. Cancellations with at least 14 days notice will be offered a replacement stall at a future market. However this is at the discretion of the organiser.

6. Payment should be made by bank transfer to the business account including the reference number displayed on the invoice.


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